Call for Application “BCG Research Fellows for ASEAN 2024”


ASEAN Centre for Sustainable Development Studies and Dialogue in collaboration with National Science and Technology Development Agency, is announcing the call for applications for ASEAN Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) Research Fellows 2024, providing grants to ASEAN BCG researchers to conduct hands-on training on related BCG research topics at NSTDA, Thailand for six months.

The project aims to develop knowledge in BCG and strengthen collaborative networks among researchers, organizations, and countries. Additionally, it supports the ASEAN Network on BCG Economy and serves as a platform for future collaboration with countries outside the ASEAN region.

Eligibility :

Potential applicants are researchers who are interested in developing research skills and creating collaborative networks in the field of BCG, with the following qualifications :

  • Hold an ASEAN Nationality
  • Completed a master’s degree or higher in a scientific field or a relevant discipline.
  • Affiliated/employed in a government or private research institution/organization.
  • Have relevant research work experience in line with the above-mentioned research field.
  • Age not exceeding 40 years old on the application deadline.

Program Duration :

1 March – 31 August 2024

Submission Deadline :

15 February 2024

For more information :